We had the opportunity to go see an American icon this past weekend. Willie Nelson came to Hiawassee and the Georgia Mountain Fair Grounds. It was a great time, a 2900 seat venue with church pew bench style seating. We had straight away seats, about 4 rows from the back of the venue. Fred and Tammy came up from Florida to visit and catch the show, and we were trying hard to have a good time. I say trying, because the yahoos behind us kept talking and cackling in stereo right behind me. After listening to their inane drivel and laughter for about a quarter of the show, I finally turned around and said, "Ma'am, PLEASE, we are trying to hear the show!" That shut them up for a bit, but they started mouthing off about 3/4 of the way through the show, so Suzy turned around and snapped a shot of them for kicks. They made some comments about the "NOISE POLICE" always following them around where ever they go. News flash - if you get told to SSHHH everywhere you go, maybe YOU are the problem!

Anyway, if you find yourself seated next to these yahoos, do yourself a favor and find another seat!