Thursday, September 15, 2005

Random Fun!

Well, being new to blogging, and being sort of lazy, I haven't updated this in a while, so here goes. Hmm, since my first post, I got a new digital camera, a Pentax Optio WP - very nice camera, being that it is waterproof to 8 feet. Not just water resistant, but completely waterproof. Jack had one on our last Outdoor Adventure that was in my last post, and after seeing it in action in and around the water all weekend, I had to have one. It is the best convergence of technologies that I have seen in a while.

We also helped host a couples wedding shower on August 27th for our friends Craig and Michelle, who live in Naples, FL. It was a Luau theme, and I agreed to bartend for the party - well, that consisted of just making blender after blender full of margaritas - my own private recipe, of course. This was my birthday weekend as well, as my birthday is August 28th, so we spent Sunday with my family at Long Pond Plantation (fancy name for the 2600 acres my parents live on in Baker County, about 30 minutes south of Albany). It was a nice celebration, and one I always look forward to, as my Mom always makes me my favorite strawberry cake - one she has been making for me on my birthday now for oh, maybe 20 years or so. It's a classic, and one I never get tired of having for some reason - could be nostalgia, could be the fact that it's just so darn good. Since Suzy's birthday is also in August, and we typically have a joint celebration, she gets points for allowing me to continue requesting that cake every year - I think she likes it just a little bit as well...

Today, all of the dogs got new fancy jester collars courtesy of their Grandma Diane, who took the trouble to make them all by hand and ship them out. She even made one for Kelsey, our "extended family" greyhound, who was adopted by our good friend Ashley a little over a month ago.That about wraps it up on the news front, I'll try to be a little more diligent in updating this in the future!