OK, so I have to admit it, I'm in a rut. A good tasting rut to be sure, but a rut nonetheless...
What's a food loving guy to do? Quit blogging about Friday night adventures or posting a new food shot here each week... Decisions, decisions. OK, since I had no other noteworthy news, heres the Baked Spaghetti we had last Friday night, since it was too cold and wet to grill. This is an adaptation of Thursday night's leftovers - an improvement if you ask me.
Suzy kicked up some crescent roll dough with some pesto and cheese and made pesto cheesy poofs to go with the spaghetti - an off the hook selection. Add in a few well selected bottles of grape squeezings and you've got a great weekend kickoff meal. Here's to creatvity and neccessity being the mother of all invention and all that jazz...